[Land-speed] Wind Rivers

Neil Albaugh neil at dbelltech.com
Fri Mar 19 16:50:02 MST 2010


Just to add to my previous post about our '69 climb of Mt. Woodrow Wilson--  
when I returned to Pinedale my car had been towed away and I wound up 
spending three days in jail. What a trip!

Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ

From: "Mark J Bradakis" <mark at bradakis.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 5:25 PM
To: "LAND SPEED LIST" <land-speed at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Land-speed] Wind Rivers

> Quoting Dockery:
>    Our audacious winter attempt was the hardest, most unenjoyable trip I 
> have ever
>    taken in the mountains.
> That pretty much sums it up.  And when he says "minimal food" that is 
> somewhat
> understated.  We left a big cache of food at the base of Hooker, thinking 
> it would
> take us 3 - 4 days to get back, not 7.  A few bullion cubes and some 
> Starburst
> candies were not really enough to support the calories we needed to get 
> out alive,
> but we managed.  Maybe I'll talk about the Rock Springs McDonalds in 
> another
> message.  And the Safeway across the street.  And of course the back of 
> chips
> in the trailer.
> This is not the appropriate venue for detailed discussion, but I will say 
> that  the
> morning of April 1st, 1977, sitting on some ice cold, snow glazed rock 
> somewhere
> on the east side of the Wind Rivers, watching the sun come up through the 
> wispy
> clouds in a burning blaze of crimson glory and *knowing* then and there 
> that
> we would, somehow, after all, make it out alive is a time I will never 
> forget.
> "The dawn in russet mantle clad climbs yon eastward hills"
> Taken from a play called Hamlet, by, uh, what was his name again?
> mjb.

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