[Land-speed] Tire (tyre) question

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Tue Sep 29 22:24:47 MDT 2009

Wes, alternate sources for tires are always welcome! Ask them for sure. 
They may just be Y or W rated for that speed. But we wont know until you 
ask them..

Wester Potter wrote:

> Dunlop made some tires for the Austin Healey cars that ran at World 
> of  Speed that were speed rated to at least 200 MPH.  Would there be 
> any  benefit to seeing what they say about higher speed ratings or are 
> the  Frontrunners covering that speed band adequately for price and  
> performance?  Just musing while looking at the photos I shot.
> Wes

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