[Land-speed] Whining time, Team.Net updates

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Sun Sep 13 20:13:03 MDT 2009


I've been in the computer (IBM) biz since 1963 and worked with PC's 
1982. Working in
Silicon Valley, I knew where and how to get deals that were, 
occasionally, better than
small dealers could get.

The last 8 months have presented greater value for the money than I 
thought possible.
There couldn't be a better time. Ever.

NOTE: 95-99% of ALL "Returns" marked "Refurbished" are new equipment 
returned by
dealers. Circuit City  returned train loads of stuff when they went 
belly up. WD is almost
giving away drives. Newegg has a Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB 3.5" 
for only $84.99
with free shipping, for example.

I'll send you enough to get one,

Mark J Bradakis wrote:
> Yes, I know that as the fellow behind the curtain who
> keeps Team.Net on the air, I do my share of whining.
> But the whining here is coming from one of the disks
> on the server, a bearing ready to fail in a few days,
> a couple of weeks, maybe not until 2010.  Who knows?
> Rather than risk a sudden failure, it would be prudent
> to consider getting new hardware.  And that is where you
> come in.  I didn't have an official fund drive this year,
> though donations have come in at random times during the
> year.  Got one just the other day from someone on this
> list.
> It seems to be time for those of you who have not
> recently contributed to step up and assist in keeping
> Team.Net on the air.  If you have a few dollars to spare
> and desire to support this endeavor, check out the web
> page http://www.team.net/donate.html  I, and thousands
> of folks around the planet would appreciate it.  Gee, I
> haven't taken an actual count of all subscribers lately,
> I ought to do a headcount.

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