[Land-speed] British Steam effort 139.843mph

Kirkwood saltfever at comcast.net
Wed Sep 2 14:54:56 MDT 2009

I was very careful NOT to mention accuracy in my response to Malcolm.
Accuracy is a completely different issue. You not only have the wire to
consider but the latency of the photo cell and the speed of light. If the
lights are 1000ft apart (across the track) you have a 1000NS delay for
arrival to the photo cell. We also don't know the precision of the surveyed
mile. It was not my intent to open up another can or worms!  My point was if
you only have 0.001sec resolution you are introducing diminished precision
when rounding to mph. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Dahlgren [mailto:ddahlgren at snet.net] 
You can go to 20 places past the decimal point and not be accurate though
you might imply it.  How do the compensate for the length of the wire?

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