[Land-speed] Crane Cams-RIP

Joe Timney joetimney at dol.net
Wed Mar 25 19:19:47 MST 2009

Very Sad!!!



Complete High Performance Camshaft Manufacturer
All Machinery, $2+ Million in Inventory, 16 Trademarks & 3 Patents for Sale

LiquiTec Industries, Inc. has been engaged to liquidate the assets of 
Crane Cams, Inc., one of the world's largest independent manufacturers 
of camshafts, valve train components and electrical ignition systems for 
the performance industry. Established in 1953, Crane Cams. is a brand 
name recognized for high quality, precision products that are 
race-proven to withstand the rigors of competition. Product applications 
include automotive, motorcycle, marine, aircraft and other specialty 

The sale includes all machinery; all raw materials, work-in-process and 
finished goods including over $2 million of high performance and racing 
application engine components including camshafts, rocker arms, lifters 
and other parts for most GM, Ford and Mopar engines; 16 patents and 
three patents.

LiquiTec is accepting bids now for inventory, trademarks and patents. An 
auction sale of all remaining inventory and machinery will take place on 
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 at the company's former headquarters in 
Daytona Beach, Florida. The sale will also be broadcast over the 
internet via BidSpotter.com. For more information or to register to 
attend the sale, contact LiquiTec at (800) 852-9252.

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