[Land-speed] speaking of OLD ...

Wester Potter wester6935 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 29 14:37:54 MDT 2009

Fwd: Great obit from Salt Lake Tribune

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Ron Christensen" <ron.christensen at wsapr.com>
> Date: June 29, 2009 12:53:38 PM MDT
> To: <win359 at yahoo.com>, <wester6935 at comcast.net>, "Stieg Svard" <axel_rod at msn.com 
> >, "Steve Johnson" <gsjohnson2003 at yahoo.com>, "Jon Wennerberg" <jonwennerberg at nancyandjon.org 
> >, <hcgarage at comcast.net>, <pinkelko at yahoo.com>, "'Barrie Strachan'"  
> <dgdsh at bresnan.net>, "'Dale Emery'" <dbe at biomicro.com>, "'Robert  
> Green'" <robminil7 at mac.com>, "'Peter Crandall'" <petersinthegarage at comcast.net 
> >
> Subject: FW: Great obit from Salt Lake Tribune
> Louis Clyde Brown		
> Louis Clyde Brown 10/19/1929 ~ 6/21/2009 Years ago sitting at a  
> funeral, Lou leaned over and said, "When I die, tell them 'Shit  
> Happens.'"Louis Clyde Brown passed away June 21, 2009. Known as Pops  
> to his family, Lou lived a life of thought and action. Born October  
> 19, 1929 - 10 days before the stock market crash, he grew up amongst  
> scarcity but never knew it. He met Zoe Ann Wiley, the love of his  
> life, while skiing at Alta. They lived a full life together until  
> her passing in September of 2005. Their children, Kari Karas, Cori,  
> Toby (Janet) and Dain (Michelle) grew up snow-skiing, boating, water- 
> skiing, camping, motorcycling, dune buggy'n and generally out trying  
> every kind of exciting thing life has to offer. Among the favorites:  
> Lake Powell, Bear Lake and Big Sand Mountain come to mind. Days  
> sipping bourbon and coke waiting for the water to get smooth. Nights  
> around the campfire telling stories. It doesn't get much better than  
> that. Lou spent his working life on the Salt Lake City Fire  
> Department. He retired with the #2 Badge, while building the airport  
> fire operations. The fire department was an extended family for Lou,  
> Zoe and the kids. Many wonderful friends came from those years of  
> service. To be honest, Lou could be an ass. One friend called him a  
> "true intellectual," since he couldn't let any comment pass without  
> a challenge. To some this was a source of annoyance, to others a  
> source of strength. Whatever he was, Lou had an impact on people.  
> He'll be missed and not soon forgotten. The next time you think  
> about trying something new or something that might scare you a bit.  
> Go ahead and do it. And if you can, take a moment and think of Lou.  
> He'd like that. If you want to take a moment now to remember him,  
> raise your glass and say, "Lou. Shit definitely happens." A party  
> will be held to celebrate his life and tell lies about him and the  
> things he did on July 11th from 4-6 p.m. at Dain's house at 8813  
> South Renegade Road (2285 East), Sandy. Join us if you can.

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