[Land-speed] Inertia Activated Fuel Cut Off Swiches
Jon Wennerberg
jonwennerberg at nancyandjon.org
Mon Jun 8 05:39:25 MDT 2009
On Jun 7, 2009, at 7:54 PM, drmayf wrote:
Always the one to try and be safe, I see in the 2009 rule book that
inertial switches for fuel cut off are going to be required for 2010.
So I purchased one from Pegasus racing thinking that they sell stuff
used by the formula ford cars and SCCA cars as well. Well it came
yesterday. Kinda spendy for such a small part. However, I am surprised
at just how easy it is to trigger. If I have it in my hand and just
briskly wave that hand around, it will trigger. AN dof course, it
triggers when I hold it with one hand and bump with the other. I am
really thinking that this particular unit may trigger in just a simple
spin or near spin. Of course I guess I could mount it right on the CG
and just a rotation of the unit woudl occur. The insructions for sure
say not to mount it on a panel which can vibrate as that will trigger
My questions are manifold. Are there going to be, if anyone knows, any
kind of spec for these items? I would think that someting akin to an
SFI spec is needed here. If a simple piece of foam requires it, then
someting that might prevent a large fire should also need a spec as
well. We have approved fire extinguishers why wouldn't this also need
some kind of at least generic approval.
Next question, for you folk that have these already installed. How
much of a wiggle or impact did it or does it take to trigger yours? It
may simply be that it is working fine and that I can move it fast and
hard enough to trigger.
I have sent the company an email asking what kind of g levels or just
motion it would take to trigger it under normal or not normal
circumstances. When I get the answer, I'll post it.
Yes, I know that I could have gone to the junk yard and bought one. So
exclude any comments about that please. As the same questions
apply...what are the trigger levels....
Mayf, I think that I remember this specific subject being given a
thorough discussion on the Forum over at landracing.com. I think that
the consensus was to go to the junkyard and take one out of a
relatively recent model Ford car (specifics elude me so early in the
morning). I'll see if I can find the thread.
The sensitivity of the switch versus the "bump" from the push vehicle
was a big issue -- and the store-bought varieties, such as yours from
Pegasus, didn't appear to meet the needs of "our" real world needs.
Jon Wennerberg
Tall guy with moustache
and a pair of 2 Club hats
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