[Land-speed] Hans Device and Safety

Skip Higginbotham saltrat at pahrump.com
Fri Sep 5 14:13:31 MDT 2008

Scott, it provides the intent of the HANS Device in that the driver's 
head is kept from snapping forward in the event of a frontal impact. 
"Must be engineered as an integral part of the entire restraint system......"

In my view, this is engineering forward head restraint into the 
entire restraint system.

In my car the driver's head cannot snap forward due to the 
constraints of the roll cage (helmet runs into the front roll hoop). 
Driver is held in place with a 7 point harness, lateral head movement 
is less than 1/2" and a rear headrest is provided.

What say, safety guys? Dan? Mike? Lee? Can we install the helmet 
restraints as I have described?


At 11:22 AM 9/5/2008, Scott Cowle wrote:
>Hi Skip -is this allowed?Will it pass tech? Scott
> >>> Skip Higginbotham <saltrat at pahrump.com> 9/5/2008 2:16 PM >>>
>In cars with lateral head restraints (either cage structure or
>padding), Why not attach the forward head restraints to the roll cage
>instead of the HANS and thereby have no HANS to get in the way of
>It's a simple solution that doesn't endanger the driver in a
>situation requiring rapid exit from the cockpit. Just unhook them and
>get out.......
>At 09:06 AM 9/5/2008, Bryan Savage wrote:
> >Good thinking John.
> >Exit from a fire needs to be an instinctive habit. It requires no
> >interference
> >and a lot of practice.
> >Bryan

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