[Land-speed] Tire Pressure

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Mon Oct 20 11:07:10 MDT 2008


I lack the engineering sophistication to properly analyze any wheel so
I am forced to use my best guess.

If a tire fails at 150 mph, you will probably crash.

If a wheel fails at 150 mph, you WILL crash.

At high speed, 250+, no other component failure will ALWAYS produce
such catastrophic results.

The steel wheels we used were from a junk yard. Days were spent working
on the wheels.. Ended up with 6 wheels. Each was checked for runout,
stripped of paint, crack tested, spiders welded, normalized, crack tested
again in the weld area, sanded blasted and painted.

No problems, but ..... the car weighed 1100 lbs, wet max speed was 
262(exit speed),
max Hp was about 180.

Please note, I am NOT recommending anything, just reporting the news.


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