[Land-speed] DIY two plane balancing

Ed Weldon 23.weldon at comcast.net
Sun Oct 12 12:28:45 MDT 2008

Thanks Dick J, JD and Jon W for putting my rants where they belong, i.e. out
of sight.....
Here's something constructive:
There's an interesting discussion on CR4,(This is an engineering forum)
The subject is about dynamic or two plane balancing that may be of some
interest to those who would explore DIY approaches for wheels, driveshafts,
jack shafts and maybe even crankshafts.  This may be of more interest to the
bike guys than the car guys.  The latter tend to have all they can do putting
their projects together without having to build the tools needed to do the
job.  If useful ideas crop up I'll try to condense them and post over in our

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