[Land-speed] Landracing.com forum

Dale Krumheuer dmirror3 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 13 13:28:17 MST 2008

I don't blame Jon a bit. I've been on many forums over the years and have learned more than I ever expected to learn. For all of the positive, I am thankful for the extraordinary amount of talent, wisdom, knowledge and good intentions, willingly shared and without agenda. 
I have also learned of the negative side, from the few that feel that their unique opinion, usually laden with sarcasm and criticism, should matter and be broadcast. They truly believe that their experience, opinions, observations, condemnation, sarcasm and ultimately ignorance is of benefit to others on the forum. 

If you ever wondered why there are so many Lurkers, this topic is is the explanation. Why speak when you stand the chance of being jumped on ?  

It seems that we will always have this burden on Forums, mail lists and groups.  As ignorance and weak social manners are without shame or conscience, fools can (and do) type and giggle to themselves in the comfort of their caves. 

It is a shame that this has happened to Landracing but I'm not surprised. I see the small minded abusive comments on other forums as well. Jon has generously provided a resource for all of us to share. A few have abused Jon's time, generosity and caused grief to participants of the forum. 

Until forum participants realize that their attempts at sarcasm, humor and criticism are simply childish and annoying, it will be a challenge to those who are here to share and learn. 

This is a social issue that has been brewing for quite awhile. Now, how do we promote positive discussions ? Self discipline. Educate, don't criticism. Realize the generosity of those that provide this environment for us to learn. And realize that those generous souls are not babysitters. 

Thank you,
Dale in Cleveland

 <dlodom at charter.net> wrote: I see Jon has shut down the forum. Well I don't blame him. Every thing 
seemed to turn into a pissin contest. Someone would ask a good question 
and a bunch of people would jump on it with opinions, not facts. Then 
they would get to bashing each other about their opinions. I have to 
watch that stupid crap on TV between Obama and Hillery.

 Sad, very sad.
Doug Odom in big ditch
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