[Land-speed] Too Quiet Out There

Chris Harris yesford at clear.net.nz
Sat Jun 7 17:56:29 MDT 2008

Where is everyone? It is quiet as a tomb lately. I've been cutting,
grinding, and welding on my chassis but I do get a minute here and there to
check e- mail.

Regards, Neil   Tucson, AZ

Thought the same Neil, was going to check my connection this morning till your
letter arrived.
Down here we're a little later on our prep than usual but everything going
well. Finally dynoed our new 'B' motor last weekend and going back in the
roadster now to test fire in the car next weekend, and we're ready. We load
our shipping container on the 11th July for arrival at Long Beach on the

Got a big contingent of 7 cars and 3 bikes competing this Speedweek from NZed
plus a lot of supporters on general tour.

Haven't heard any word on how the salt's shaping up, hope no news is good
news. Salt condition usually dominates the list from here on in, so what's the
word ?

Regards to all,
Chris Harris.

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