[Land-speed] American Engineering/Seriously NON LSR

BWANA343 at aol.com BWANA343 at aol.com
Mon Jan 14 15:09:00 MST 2008

The comments of most of the people on this list are mostly  from auto 
industry related experiences and observances of the past. These  pretty well seem to 
mirror the US economy in general, regarding what we now call  outsourcing. 
I was getting pretty down on the future in general until the timely showing  
last night of the CNBC special on Warren Buffet, third richest man on earth 
and  a pretty neat guy to boot. What he said that was heartening is that in his  
recent travels to China he observed they are already outsourcing labor to  
Viet Nam because the Chinese economy and standard of living has escalated  so 
rapidly.  I read a while ago that Japanese hourly auto labor has  been higher 
than the US for a significant time but didn't think that the  Chinese, being 
both a Communist and Capitalistic nation would catch up this  fast. 
Anybody our age not notice how cheap stuff is that we actually paid more  for 
twenty years ago, mostly electronics and textiles? I am not a fan of foreign  
child labor/price fixing/crap products/Illegal Immigrants, BUT that aspect of 
it  was part of the financial boom that came crashing down right along  with 
the Twin Towers. I feel we are on a downslope now, but it is fixable.
Check out the Financial rebirth of Ireland, we must do what they did, Same  
problems, same solutions.
Bob, oversimplifies?, W 
PS JACK !!!... Ron Paul wears a tinfoil skull cap 

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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