[Land-speed] YAW Control

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Fri Dec 19 21:46:58 MST 2008

Good questions folks.

My first step would be to learn exactly what excessive yaw is and what 
leads up to it.

To me, I see excessive yaw as when the driver has  to lift or it's too 
distracting to the
driver. This, of course is driver dependent.  I believe if I can't set a 
car up so that it
doesn't threaten the driver all of the time, I should be painting my house.

Monitoring wheel rpm and vertical G's in addition to yaw rate may 
produce data that
would enable determining the precursors to excessive yaw. This should 
allow a small
weight, properly controlled, to do the job.

Wouldn't it be nice to talk to some of the folks who worked on F-1 
suspension back in the early 80's?

Interesting subject Mayf, thanks,

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