Keith Turk kturk at adelphia.net
Wed Dec 3 11:24:33 MST 2008

Karen... all your comments are valid...  as are Skip's... the question is 
why instantly give way to the Abbo's?

I have raced there...and the Greenies have taken over that country and the 
mentality is so damn wrong it defies discription...  ( not the average 
Aussie... just the damn greenies )... it's like nobody outside the green 
part cares about the environment...  complete idiots... and unfortunately 
they represent a full 1/3 of the voting public..

Now Do I care about Lake Gairdner and the DRLA... absolutely... great group 
of folks... but what are we as "American's" going to do once "we" have 
already been found to be at Fault...

Just a bunch of Wankers if you ask me...


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