[Land-speed] fuel and such

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Fri Aug 1 10:58:39 MDT 2008

GM sold us not "POS" diesels, they were IMITATION  diesels.

The "on the take legislators" have really screwed us by not mandating ULSD
10 years ago. They say they were trying to make diesel truck owners happy.
We need to introduce a new principal into American politics,  Leadership!
GM England has a small two door sports coupe that has a 1.9L TDI engine.
at 70, on the A-4 with a passenger, AC on  it gets 51 MPG. Top speed is 
at 135 MPH because of the tires. This kind of diesel performance has 
been available
in Europe for the last 10+ years. Why haven't we seen them? They can 
ONLY run
on ULSD which we didn't get until January 2007, I think. Sulfur destroys 
the sensors
in the exhaust. Modern diesel performance will blow most people away. 
It's amazing,
I used to hate diesels because they started hard, were very noisy, 
vibrated at normal
speeds and produced a lot of torque but no horsepower. They couldn't 
produce HP
because the couldn't rev fast enough. Check the power curves on a modern 
You'll be surprised.


A lot of the tech. for these modern diesels was developed here in the 
'80's and '90's.
Check SAE papers, you'll be amazed.

NOTE: If you have a new diesel that says Use Only ULSD and you fill up 
in Mexico,
it stops ruining and you have to pay all repair costs even if it has 
only 100 miles on the clock.
Very, very expensive.

James Tone wrote:
> Bryan, Look at the POS diesels the American manufacturers gave us in the past. They are nothing like the ones today. Even with the minor problens the pickup are haveing is nothing like the GM junk that was sold to us. Our main problem is performance and how it's been pushed down everones throat. Hey we liked performance and diesels have been portrayed as slow. Well now is a new time and milage/cost is on the forefront. Hopefully the loddyist/one the take legislators (and they all are) will take notice an change some of what's been ailing us for years........

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