[Land-speed] fuel and such

Bryan Savage b.a.savage at wildblue.net
Fri Aug 1 08:44:57 MDT 2008

Actually it's American citizens who have been keeping diesels out of the US.
Market research showed they wouldn't buy them.

And then their's GM and Ford trying to prove that Americans have 
forgotten how
to build cars. They're almost bankrupt because of management failures. I 
blame it on anything else, their foreign branches are doing just fine. 
Of course
American management is stuck in the quarterly report rut. Too bad.


RACE427 at aol.com wrote:
> Every major manufacturer which you see on the roads of the  good ole USA has 
> a diesel version of their car or truck running around in  Europe.   I have 
> seen diesels built by various manuf. when I was out  at Ohio Diesel-Tech College 
> in Cleveland, Ohio.
>     I would honestly believe it is our  politicians who are keeping them out 
> of this country  !!

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