[Land-speed] Coddington's "hole"--salt related

Dale H Pulju d.pulju at pahrump.com
Tue Sep 18 16:44:44 MDT 2007

Does that mean don't bother calling toW truck in future if stuck on salt?

working on shop people doors ,old new lathe, and 57 chev in pahrump

> To all who have followed... Look Cottington got stuck, no deny that 
> claim...
> But who is actually at fault? The wrecker who tried to pull them out 
> should
> have known, accessed the situation.. BUT NO,  they have to get three of 
> them
> stuck before pulling in the big rig to get them all out... Cottington just
> called for a service.
> The issue is being resolved. The Tow Company is paying and doing the work 
> to
> restore that area. Starting with a bobcat to fill in the area, then 
> bringing
> in a Truck load of salt for damage repair. the TOW company is doing 
> this...
> Jon
>> If he had any "CLASS" he would pickup the expense and oversee the
>> repairing
>> of that hole.
>>      Sparky
>> AA/_ L  2211

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