[Land-speed] tire plugs

Jon Wennerberg jon at infodestruction.com
Tue Sep 4 07:21:44 MDT 2007

On Sep 3, 2007, at 9:36 PM, RACE427 at aol.com wrote:

In all of my years in the auto trade I have never, ever trusted a  
tire.   It could be a plug or a patch, the tire is never the same.   
Oh, they
will hold air but I never feel comfortable with that tire again.  You  
will find
that they do lose air over a period of time.  How lucky do you feel  
taking a
cross country trip with a repaired tire?   To go 200 mph plus !!   No  
way !!!

      Just a thought !!

Once upon a time I bought new tires for my Gold Wing.  A day or two  
-- just one or two days! - later I managed to get a nail through the  
rear tire.  Dang!  So I had the almost-virgin tire plugged rather  
than trashing a brand-new $XXX tire.

A year later, after riding the bike sometimes solo, sometimes with a  
passenger, at least 8,000 miles across country and up and back to  
Fairbanks, Alaska, without having to add air (other than to  
compensate for what escaped when I'd check air pressure) I replaced  
the tire with a new one.

Plugs in tires:  Your results may vary.  I don't recommend plugging  
tires to others -- but this (and other) experience has shown me that  
plugs can be safely used.  I wouldn't have a tire plugged under ALL  
circumstances -- but I won't shy away from the process without good  

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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