[Land-speed] Trailer Tires (no.2)

3 liter saltfever at comcast.net
Mon Sep 3 19:15:15 MDT 2007

Without references, this information is anecdotal. My apologies since I
dont have the time to research the proper documents. I may do it in the

Tire Plugs:

(1) Are illegal for commercial vehicles.

(2) Classified as temporary/emergency repair by the Calif. Highway patrol.

(3) Illegal in many States.

(4) Cancel the speed rating (V) speed) of OEM tires.

(5) Are not a recommended permanent repair by tire manufacturers.

(6) Are FAA illegal on all categories of aircraft.

A plug is a crude method, performed in uncontrolled conditions, by
unknowledgeable personnel, on a failed tire casing. Inspection is a
limited and crude visual by untrained personnel. People carry their most
precious cargo around on plugs everyday due to their naiveti and reliance
on professionals. However, there are sound technical reasons for all of
the above. Hopefully, you may believe there is possible merit in only one of
the above. However, Y M M V.  :-)   -Elon

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