[Land-speed] New car commercials (non LSR)

Ed Weldon 23.weldon at comcast.net
Sun Sep 2 21:30:34 MDT 2007

I just watched on TV yet another commercial where a film crew, sundry
production vehicles and professional drivers go out to some flat desert dry
lake and tear up the surface in an attempt to convince us how much we need
one of their products.
I guess this is OK as long as it's not one of "our" lakes and winter rains
can repair the damage.  But I wonder if these advertizing types ever think
about that.... anyway......
Anybody know where these people like to go for their photo shoots?  Do they
ever show up at El Mirage?  Most of these dry lakes in the West are BLM
territory, I guess.  Does the BLM permit some or all of this?  Do they like
to go to Blackrock?  How many times do they have to practice and do takes
before they get enough footage?  What is the production of this sort of
advertisement involve that we'd find interesting?  Any of you guys out there
work on this stuff to buy groceries?  Or know someone who does?
Just curious.......
Ed Weldon

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