[Land-speed] [ECTALSR] Trailer tires?

Jon Wennerberg jon at infodestruction.com
Sat Sep 1 09:46:57 MDT 2007

The only time we've ever had a tire go away was last year -- our  
first year with the latest trailer.  The thing lost air, no puncture,  
no overload.  It was p[ointed out to us by another driver as we  
(both) got back onto I-80 in Pennsylvania.

It turned out that the previous owner has punctured the tire -- and  
"repaired" it by pulling out the valve stem, putting a tube inside  
the tubeless tire, and having the tube's stem stick out the valve  
stem hole.  Eventually the valve stem wore through and we lost air.   
So -- a few miles down the road we stopped for lunch and to have the  
tire patched -- and the shop simply plugged the hole -- from the  
outside.  We put the tire back into the spare holder in the trailer  
and that was that - until this spring, when I was prepping the  
trailer for the season.  I checked the air pressure in all four tires  
plus the spare -- and all were fine, save for a FLAT spare.

I took the spare to the local guys who took it apart and found the  
empty tube flopping around inside.  That's when we came up with the  
above scenario.  Sure glad we never needed to use that spare.

On Sep 1, 2007, at 8:34 AM, Keith Turk wrote:

Okay guys... we've done the cockpit design to death...  now on to how  
we get our junk there...

Who here lost a trailer tire going to or coming from the meets this  

Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why this is such a dang problem?


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                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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