[Land-speed] Wheels...

drmayf drmayf at mayfco.com
Mon Oct 29 14:40:12 MST 2007

Well, I had a leak in one of the rear tires/wheels. Dunked it in a tub 
of water and turned out to be the wheel itself. So took both rear tires 
and wheels down to the local Goodyear place and asked them to demount 
them so I could look at the insides of the wheels. I asked them to check 
them for run out. Turns out the 176 mph caper I pulled at WF put a small 
wobble into both of them. So Now I am seeking some LSR capable wheels 
for the back end. 15 x 5, 5 on 4.5 BC, and 1 3/4 back spacing ( I 
think), 5/8 lugs. Steel. 

Now, anybody have such they are willin gto part with? If not, who and 
where do I acquire some of what I want? They do no thave to be the best, 
just good enough.


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