[Land-speed] Quitting Cigarettes

Robert J. Denton rjdenton479 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 18:47:13 MDT 2007

Hang in Keith. I have just experienced the most horrific lung surgery you
could ever imagine. I went in for a non-invasive lobectomy on my upper right
lung. Because of complications I now bear a 14"+ slash in back, two broken
ribs and am having every serious complication you could imagine. Nothing
could have prepared me for this one.
Bob Denton

On 10/23/07, Tom Bryant <saltracer at awwwsome.com> wrote:
> Keith & all,
> Congratulations to you Keith, and to all who would like to get their lungs
> back. I quit cold turkey  after Speedweek 1961, forty-six years ago.
> Without
> a doubt, it was close to the top of good things I have done. I carried
> cigarettes for at least a month, chewed gum and sucked on lemon drops
> until
> my mouth was sore, but I can tell you this. Quitting cigarettes is a "one
> urge at a time deal".  If you smoke a cigarette, it is a short term fix..
> ten minutes you need another. It is the same with quitting, don't yield to
> the urge and it goes away for a while, then will return. Each time you
> don't
> yield becomes easier the next time. What ever you do, don't give in to the
> desire to just try one again. Hang in there! I guarantee you it is worth
> it.
> Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC

Old Chinese Proverb:
The ones who say it cannot be done should never stand in the way of those
who are doing it.

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