[Land-speed] In the beginning

J.D. Tone gmc6power at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 14 17:43:19 MDT 2007

4 lug wheels have been successfully used on vehicles over 200 mph at least 
on the front. Make sure you meet the rule for the speed you are going to be 
in. If no speed exsists you are to follow the speed of the next highest 
speed. At El Mirage J is open but I is 125+ so you will meet those safety 
specs. If you are goint to use stock type steel wheels I would weld up the 
attaching points even tho it is not required and recheck the wheel for true. 
Stock studs and nuts are adequate until 200. Maks sure the stock lug nuts 
have5/8"of threads..Good Luck and have fun.
> Just
> to confirm I'm reading section 2.G of the rule book right, 4 lug wheels 
> are
> allowed as long as I use 17" or smaller wheels and keep the tires under 
> 29",
> right?

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