[Land-speed] Diesel Fuel Additives

James Tone gmc6power at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 24 11:11:50 MDT 2007

>Subject: Diesel Fuel Additives
>Glad to hear you got a handle on it, and by way, congrats on last meet's record.
>Soooooooo........ Here's a question pertaining to diesel tow vehicles. Diesel internet groups rave about fuel additives such as Diesel Kleen and Stanadyne. I have believed in additives, but this is my first diesel (Duramax) and as I understand it, there is merit in these additives, especially since the long-term effects of low-sulphur fuel are unknown as yet. Anybody care to comment on whether this is snake-oil or a good thing?

Ed this will be a never ending subject. You didn't say what you bought but I will tell you what I do. I have a 04 Ford 6.0. Next to the 03 what is said to be the worst one....How much trouble have I had...None. One leaking lower rad hose and a minor A/C problem at 3 years.

What do I do? Change oil before 4000 miles. The oil in these new ones are the most important item because of the lubricating they do to the injectors. I put Stanadyne in every tank of fuel from day one...Why? The lubricity has been removed from the fuel by law and emmisions. 

I have added a coolant filter to help save the water pump.  It uses a Baldwin filter which is an excellant brand. Change the fuel filters at 15K. Do it, you won't regret it. After 24K miles I added an oil additive from Lubrication Specialites; you can look them up as to why the product was made for the Ford Motor Company and International. If I every thought I had a problem coming on it's now gone. The product is only to be used to clear things up. I won't use it continuously.

The next is a personal opinion; if you bought a Ford (especially not a new one) If your thinking of hopping it up it will break something or at least they seem too. I will never, I repeat, never chip mine. International built these as 265 HP and Ford made them 325's; so to me they are already on the ragged edge. Add a 100 HP and something will go wrong. Put the $$$ in your race car.

I look at it this way as you are peacefully climbing into Ely at 55/60 mph with out a care in the world just remember yoour gas engine doing at 30/35 in low gear.

Good Luck, There are problems with every brand and it seem like the older 7.3 Fords and the 5.9 90's Dodges are trouble free but what do I know I just tow with it.

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