[Land-speed] OT: Green House Gases.. and an Electrolysis Question or 2..

Jon Wennerberg jon at infodestruction.com
Sat Jul 7 13:48:35 MDT 2007

On Jul 7, 2007, at 3:39 PM, drmayf wrote:

mayf, way off and far out in a hotter than hell pahrump...

Mayf, if you think it's hot there -- you oughta be here for a  
relatively hotter experience.  It's 88F right now, down from the 90  
we had earlier.

So what?  Well, for us 88 is darned near the breaking point.  We  
don't get temps this high very often.  When I built my business  
building ten or so years ago -- and had the offices equipped with  
central a/c -- many locals asked me why I was bothering to go to the  
expense of putting in a/c.  I'd tell 'em -- for resale value.  Glad I  
had it installed -- we've used it at least a dozen days already this  
summer.  Oh, for the days of ideal temps -- shorts and t-shirts at a  
sunny 50 degrees -- that's what we really can enjoy up here.

I'm going home to spend some time with the chain saw and trees in the  
ditch along our road.  Swelter on, one and all.

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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