[Land-speed] Odometer - non-LSR

Jon Wennerberg jon at infodestruction.com
Sun Dec 9 07:46:59 MST 2007

On Dec 8, 2007, at 11:29 PM, RACE427 at aol.com wrote:

Hi Jon,

     It is my understanding that you cannot purchase new odometers  
from GM, what they give you is a re-manufactured unit or repair the  
unit which is in your car.  This repair or re-manufacturing is not  
done at the dealer but out-sourced to an authorized AC-Delco / Delphi  
repair facility.  These facilities will not repair the units for you  
directly, the unit must go through your friendly :) GM dealer then to  
the repair facility.

     This is also true for CD players, radios and DVD players found  
in GM cars and trucks.    Hope this makes sense?

        Tony G   LI,NY

Tony, they replaced it under warranty.  I don't know if it's virgin  
or reman -- doesn't matter to me.  On this latest one they did set  
the odo at the dealership -- the display read exactly the same when I  
picked it up as it had two hours earlier when I dropped it off.

As for things like radios and such -- no doubt they outsource the  
repairs -- but more likely trash the "broken" unit and replace it  
with new/reman.

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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