[Land-speed] Salt up-date today?

JERRY FOSTER fosterap at flash.net
Sat Aug 4 07:24:17 MDT 2007

Well....I hope you guys get some good salt.  I can't make it this year....gonna be moving.  Good news is that I get a better shop area with more space at the new place.  I might try to sneak out to WOS.  Bet I can get a room then in Wendover.  Have fun guys!
  Jerry in Dallas.

Keith Turk <kturk at ala.net> wrote:
  Man I've been sitting on my hands here in Alabama... ( okay what time I've
actually been here and not in LA )...

The deal is that I've got to pack my truck only... just our pit set up.. cause
the car's in LA... it leaves at the end of the week.... I leave today...

The only question is where am I going? New Orleans? or Bonneville... DO I
tear my shop apart today or not? The SCTA is going to give us an update
today... hmmm other then that it's been 4 days since anyone has been to the

What to do... What to do...


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