[Land-speed] One (1) Wendover room available - Please contact me

Karl Payne karlepayne55 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 2 15:28:41 MDT 2007

  I have a reservation for one room at the State Line Nugget for August 8th thru the 18th, but I can use the room ONLY for two nights: Saturday the 11th and Sunday the 12th.  
   If you can use a room in Wendover during the Aug. 8 - Aug 10 period, and / 
  or the Aug 13 - 18 period please respond to my email below:
  payne.karl at orbital.com
  I will be glad to help you out on a first come first served basis.  You can buy me a cold drink on the salt.   :- )
  Please be considerate and financially responsible as you do this.  Nobody wants to get stuck with a bill for something they can't use.  This offer is open only until the middle of next week, at which time I will cancel and release control of any nights that are not spoken for.
  I hope this helps somebody,
  Karl Payne

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