<div dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Fellow Lister's</p>
<p dir="ltr">I'm in the process of finishing the trim on my BN1 and
need at least two original "Hidem" strip chrome tips for the seat backs
and the hood.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Attached are photos of four originals (top) and four of the reproductions (bottom) currently offered.</p><p dir="ltr"><img alt="Inline image 1" src="cid:ii_154e82ae1bcaf2b0" height="247" width="440"></p><p dir="ltr"></p>
<p dir="ltr">Hopefully someone has some straight originals that I can re-chrome. Anyone
with one or more willing to sell to the cause please contact me off
<p dir="ltr">Also, if anyone is considering a green interior for a
BN1/BN2 I'm looking for folks to go in with me on an order for the
correct color and sheen of green leather (it's the shinier finish I'm
looking for versus the flat finish. I will take a five hide minimum
order and one or slightly more than one hide is required for a car. So
I'm looking for three more folks to commit.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Thanks </p>
<p dir="ltr">Curt Arndt<br>
Carlsbad, CA <br>
<a href="tel:%28769%29-458-1926" value="+17694581926" target="_blank">(769)-458-1926</a> cell</p></div>