[Healeys] Magnetic sump nut

Simon Lachlan simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com
Sat Jan 11 04:09:31 MST 2025


I have just ordered one of these rather on the "why not, can't do any harm"
basis. My question is rather along the lines of "is this thing designed to
solve a problem that doesn't exist?" ie doesn't the oil filter catch all the
little bits while the big bits sink into the primordial ooze at the bottom
of the sump? I, for example, having a PBR servo and a modern starter have
room for a vast spin-on oil filter down there which could catch most

And my hope is that it has a regular size AF bolt head rather than the
oddity on the factory fitted one? Does anybody have any input on that?

Have these things been around forever and I've just never come across them
or are they quite new?

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