[Healeys] Steering Box Refirb.

Harold Manifold manifold at telus.net
Sat Oct 19 16:18:09 MDT 2024


The steering box and column are all one piece and must be removed together.
May I ask why you would like refurb the steering box? Leaking seals, sloppy
steering, or ???. If it is sloppy steering try adjusting the thrust screw
on top of the box first. A good choice for a repair shop is a place that
repairs heavy duty truck (i.e. highway truck) steering boxes. The AH
steering box is very similar in design and there should be shops that do
this work near you.


On Sat, Oct 19, 2024 at 11:46 AM Greg Mandas via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> I'm wanting to have my 1965 BJ8 steering box refurbed?
> My mechanical prowess is the ability to unbolt something, send it out to
> have fixed, and bolting it back on.
> Who's the guy who rebuilds Healey steering boxes?
> Do I need to send the entire steering column(s)?
> If not, Can I remove just the steering box from the car or does the whole
> column  need to come out?
> If so, How the heck do I ship an entire steering column?
> I live in Connecticut 40  minutes from NYC.
> Greg A-man's-got-to-know-his-limitations  Mandas
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