[Healeys] OD switch

m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca
Fri Oct 18 15:57:25 MDT 2024

I know others will not agree, but I never liked that O/D cut-out on the firewall, neither did the previous (first) owner of the car.  He shorted it out and although I tried it for a few weeks I re-installed the jumper to take it out of the O/D circuit.  It is easy just connect the two terminals with jumper wire, the photo says it all.  I have run mine like that for 50 years.   I will add that I treat the O/D like and other gear and use the clutch when engaging and disengaging it, and blip the throttle on a downshift (dis-engage).  I think it just reduces the stress on the O/D.

Cheers, Mirek

-----Original Message-----
From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Don via Healeys
Sent: October 18, 2024 3:53 PM
To: healey list <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] OD switch

Hi All 
      I installed the new OD brass drain plug with the o ring and so far 🤞🏻not a drip of oil anywhere. I think it’s a great design by Cape International. 
I did see someone posted about eliminating the od switch on the firewall and just needing to use the switch on the dash . No more needing to Blip the throttle to activate the od . Could that someone please explain the wiring needed to make this change . It sounds like another modern up grade to make our driving experience easier. 
      Thanks as always , Don
Sent from my iPhone
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