[Healeys] Illusive parts numbers

Michael Salter michaelsalter at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 12:39:48 MDT 2024

I have spent many many hours over the last 40 years looking up part numbers
in Austin Healey Parts Manuals.
In all that time I have only EVER come across 2 parts for which a part
number could not be found.
If you are looking for something to do while you wait for spring see if you
can find original part numbers for either of these:
The first is the metal disc (plugs) used on the 2 seat 6 cylinder cars
which need to be removed to access the nuts on the studs which secure the
boot hinges to the rear shroud. These are about 3" in diameter and have a
spring steel retaining bar.
The other is a bracket used in the 100's (about 10" long) that runs between
the steering column steady bracket and the dash (facia) panel. These seem
to have been used on both BN1's and BN2's.

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