[Healeys] Glycol in oil - Update and summary

Roger Grace roggrace at telus.net
Sun Mar 10 11:11:10 MDT 2024

 *Issue* – 67 BJ8 with about 15k mi on rebuilt engine by PO.

A few months back when setting tappets noted the dreaded creamy gunge on
the inside of the valve cover indicative of glycol and moisture in the oil.

Have lost several engines (not AH) over the years due to this phenomenon
and am a little paranoid about glycol in the oil. No evidence of oil in
coolant. Compression normal.

Took oil sample to the CAT lab and came back positive with 1332 ppm glycol
and 240 ppm sodium. About 1500 mi on the sample

*Step #1*

So, drained oil completely including the oil cooler (pia) plus filter. Re
torqued head and added some Bars leak stuff to the rad. Drove 420 mi and
did retest. Still positive for glycol at 557 ppm and 55 sodium

*Step #2*

Head off; planed, pressure test and freshen by machine shop; new hi end
gasket; new ARP studs; piston tops cleaned; new gaskets all round. Drained
oil completely again and also new coolant. BTW use 20% glycol in RO water
plus No-Rosion. Drove 420 mi again and retest. Some improvement but still
positive. Above the lab. flag level of 500 ppm (glycol) and 25 ppm (sodium)
at 609 ppm glycol and 29 sodium. Just on edge as they only do glycol
analysis if sodium is above 25 ppm. For interest this translates into
3.25ml (less than a teaspoon) glycol or 16.26ml for coolant to trigger the
flag. Must be bad stuff.

*Step #3*

Coolant pressure test. Drops 3 psi from 13 psi in 14 hours. Done at 65F.
This seems to indicate a small leak ?

*My thoughts:*


   small crack in block or head that opens up with heat ? Block more likely.

   unlikely to be the known AH block porosity problem with the galleries,
   as oil at 50 psi and the coolant is at less than 7psi and there is no
   evidence of oil in coolant. Must be in the gravity oil return path to the
   oil pan someplace.

   plan to run with no glycol in coolant; am located on mild west coast and
   heated garage; change oil more frequently. Hopefully any water will
   evaporate off. My understanding is that water is less of a problem than
   glycol in the oil ?

   consider trying a coolant leak sealant again.

   maybe next winter pull oil pan and hunt for the leak from downstairs
   with coolant under pressure with a view to doing an epoxy repair ? Wonder
   if others have heard of this or there is a* “known” *area of block
   weakness ?

So, would welcome *any* ideas/thoughts/suggestions


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