[Healeys] Light switch issues

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Mon Aug 12 09:30:21 MDT 2024

Moss has over-nighted parts to me via FedEx. Been a few years, and of 
course you have to pay through the nose--maybe get some other parts, or 
a hat or T-shirt, to make it worthwhile--and FedEx has been less 
reliable than it used to be but if all else fails ...  You have to get 
the order in by 2pm to get 'same day shipping,'  and you may have to go 
to a FedEx station to pick up.

Or, Goleta is only 325 miles from Pacific Grove ;)

Aside: I don't think any of the repop electrical stuff is actually made 
by 'Lucas' anymore; someone got ahold of Lucas boxes and was selling 
Chinese junk in them a while back.

On 8/12/2024 8:02 AM, Jerry Costanzo via Healeys wrote:
> Just arrived in Pacific Grove, CA to attend Mo terey Car Week.  My 
> light switch decided to melt or mi's auction.  You can feel the stops 
> are not the same.  In the off position, the taillights stay on.  In 
> the middle position all appear to be off.  In the full on position,  
> lights work with a few toys. I have been using the master switch to 
> make sure there is no drain on the battery.  If anyone else is coming 
> to the week, do you have an old or new switch  I can buy?
> Jerry
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