[Healeys] Messages bouncing back

Simon Lachlan simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com
Sat Apr 27 04:06:18 MDT 2024


Thanks for your efforts.

Luckily, I’ve been replying to the group as well as to you personally. And I’ve noted that both my last two messages direct to you have bounced back. Thus:-


“      This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.      


Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently:


   *  <mailto:bspidell at comcast.net> bspidell at comcast.net


Reason: A message that you sent to the following recipient could not be delivered due to a permanent error. ** The remote server ?? responded with: **  <mailto:bspidell at comcast.net> bspidell at comcast.net ??:?? This message was created automatically by mail delivery software on the server .”


Apart from the OD(!), there are no issues here. All my outgoing emails seem to arrive OK.




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