[Healeys] fog light wiring

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Mon Oct 16 04:10:26 MDT 2023

Tome Mitchell sent me this, but it should have gone to Richard Kahn. I'm forwarding to the list so everyone can benefit. Click on the images to see them full size.

> From: Tom Mitchell <drtommitch at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] fog light wiring
> Hi Kent,
> I moved my instrument panel lights (wire) to my headlight switch.
> (BTW since I'm running Halogen headlights, I installed relays to handle the load).

> That left me an extra switch, so I installed a separate headlight switch for my fog lights with relays.

> My plan (some day) is to install motorcycle LED headlights, so I have two sets of low and two for high.
> In order to turn off the fog lights when the High Beams are on, you'd have to change the wiring.
> In my case my running light wire/power also feeds the foglight switch.
> Humm I'd have to really study this, yet maybe my notes can help you?
> Tom Mitchell
> Ann Arbor, MI.
> 1965 BJ8
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 4:04 PM Kent McLean <kentmclean at comcast.net <mailto:kentmclean at comcast.net>> wrote:
>> Richard Kahn wrote:
>> > Thank you, Kent. That will help, but I still need the wiring to the fog lights. In California, it is necessary to have the fog lights go off when the high beams are on. 
>> All righty, then. Here's another relay to make that happen.
>> https://www.the12volt.com/relays/relaydiagram76.html
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