[Healeys] Sidesccreens< AGAIN
Alan Garrison
a2garrison at charter.net
Tue Oct 3 15:32:18 MDT 2023
The front pane should be fixed with no felt installed.
Felt for the rear pane is installed starting at the lower front, up the back
and across the top of the frame ending at the upper front. The channel for
the pane at the front of the frame, adjacent to the windshield post, does
not get felt.
I rebuilt my WeatherSheilds decades ago and separated the felt into two
pieces, one for the lower section and the other for the back and upper
section. I do not recall if that was per original or just for convenience of
I know nothing about pre-formed runners, unless you are referring to the
felt being formed into a "U" and installed into the channel which is what
was done originally.
Alan Garrison
From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Simon Lachlan
via Healeys
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 8:14 AM
To: 'Healeys' <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Sidesccreens< AGAIN
I asked about fitting the felt the other day and received some useful
Now, however, I find myself somewhat puzzled. My sidescreens are correct for
the car and are - so far as I can tell - a pair. Very probably original to
the car.
(MkII BT7).
I've stripped one side down.removed the Perspex panes, cleaned out the
tattered remains of felt, glue etcetc and got myself to where I thought I
could start the process of fitting the new felt and rubber weather seal.
I left the other side complete for reference. Now, it seems that they are
not identical in that different lengths of felt were used in either side.
Taking the RHS, the length of felt used by someone (maybe BMC) is greater
than half of the length of new felt supplied by AH4H. Naturally, the LHS
employs less than half!
Can anyone tell me where the felt stops and starts?
On the LHS, both panes slide, even if the front is a bit stiff. On the RHS,
the front pane didn't move at all. Admittedly, I can't see much point in the
front moving and 60+- years of accumulated gunk doesn't help. But, are both
sides supposed to slide?
Finally, the bottom of both frames contains what appears to be lengths of
pre-formed runner along which the panes slide quite happily. Of course, one
length is half as long as the other. Now, did they use pre-formed runners
originally or am I looking at exquisitely moulded felt?
I trust that I have made myself clear?
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