[Healeys] Sidesccreens< AGAIN
Harold Manifold
manifold at telus.net
Mon Oct 2 09:58:32 MDT 2023
Just to add some confusion, do your Side Screens look like the ones in
the attached picture? I thought I had original side screens and couldn't
find replacement rubber until a wise person on this forum pointed out that
my side screens are an aftermarket product that was available back in the
On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 5:22 AM Simon Lachlan via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:
> I asked about fitting the felt the other day and received some useful
> replies.
> Now, however, I find myself somewhat puzzled. My sidescreens are correct
> for the car and are – so far as I can tell – a pair. Very probably original
> to the car.
> (MkII BT7).
> I’ve stripped one side down…removed the Perspex panes, cleaned out the
> tattered remains of felt, glue etcetc and got myself to where I thought I
> could start the process of fitting the new felt and rubber weather seal.
> I left the other side complete for reference. Now, it seems that they are
> not identical in that different lengths of felt were used in either side.
> Taking the RHS, the length of felt used by someone (maybe BMC) is greater
> than half of the length of new felt supplied by AH4H. Naturally, the LHS
> employs less than half!
> *Can anyone tell me where the felt stops and starts?*
> On the LHS, both panes slide, even if the front is a bit stiff. On the
> RHS, the front pane didn’t move at all. Admittedly, I can’t see much point
> in the front moving and 60+- years of accumulated gunk doesn’t help. *But,
> are both sides supposed to slide?*
> Finally, the bottom of both frames contains what *appears* to be lengths
> of pre-formed runner along which the panes slide quite happily. Of course,
> one length is half as long as the other. *Now, did they use pre-formed
> runners originally or am I looking at exquisitely moulded felt?*
> I trust that I have made myself clear?
> Simon
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