[Healeys] Leaky Banjo Fittings at Carbs

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Mon Mar 13 10:12:30 MDT 2023

Are the washers brown or black? I believe the brown ones are the 
original type and the black ones are being proffered by some suppliers 
and may be slightly undersized. I usually, if I think of it, soak them 
in WD-40 for an hour or so before installing, and re-torque them after a 
day or so because they do take a set. I torque them 'elbow-tight*' with 
a 13/16" half-inch socket and wrench (fits the bolt head well). It would 
be difficult, but not impossible to strip the threads on a banjo fitting 
as they're coarse (you'd likely strip the carb or pump threads, not the 

* Torque settings : finger-tight, wrist-tight, elbow-tight, 
shoulder-tight and all-you-got tight.


On 3/13/2023 8:39 AM, Harold Manifold wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having a problem with leaky banjo fittings on my HD6 carburetors. 
> The leaks are at the banjo washers. The washers are new and all 
> surfaces are clean and smooth.
> I would appreciate any suggestions on how to solve the leaks. Should 
> the washers be soaked in anything first? Is there a recommended 
> sealant? Is there a maximum torque for the banjo bolts?
> Thanks.... Harold

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