[Healeys] BJ7-BJ8 Windshield assembly

andy pole ampole at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 28 14:45:17 MDT 2023

Hi David

Sorry to say one of the hardest jobs. It’s been a few years since I did it.
Not sure why the Moss kit is a 2 piece, it’s just normally the one U piece for the windscreen. And then you need the larger moulded section with flat and lip plus T section (all one piece) that’s slides (forced into with blunt chisel or flat screwdriver and soap ) into the bottom of the bottom chrome rail to join the windscreen to car body/ sits on shroud.

For the screen, You fit the u section around the glass and then have to squeeze the chrome rails on, the sides are the easiest.
Trust me it’s near impossible but I think on your side of the pond you call it dish soap is your friend. You don’t use any sealant, just dish soap to try and get the top and bottom rails lubricated and start to squeeze on . And the worst bit is the only way is to use ratchet type straps to squeeze the whole thing together properly, worried you will break the original glass. Squeezing is better than any tapping or hitting. I thing I also used a length of timber to even the pressure.
I believe there are a couple of different suppliers and one rubber may be easier than the other. I don’t think it’s any easier or the seals are a better fit but I may be wrong.
The other watch out is if you have had new internal L shaped corner brackets that fit inside the rails, the new ones holes don’t line up with the holes in the rails, and are a waste of money.

Good luck. Regards Andy

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From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> on behalf of David Masucci via Healeys <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 5:24:22 PM
To: Harold Manifold <manifold at telus.net>
Cc: Ahealey help <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] BJ7-BJ8 Windshield assembly

Hi all,

I am in the process of putting together my re-chromed BJ8 windshield assembly. I have a couple of questions, and I’m sure that some of you already know the answers. Can you guys take a look below and respond if you can?

1) The Moss kit included 2 separate rubber parts for the glazing. Attached to the windshield in the picture below is a rubber part with a U-shaped cross section. Do I use adhesive to mount it to the glass?
2) The other rubber item has a rectangular cross section, and is approximately the same length as the above part.
My question for #2 is do I insert that into the U-channel in the windshield frame? I assume it too would be bonded with some kind of glazing compound.
3) My last question pertains to assembly order. After staring at this for a while, I’ve concluded that I should assemble (loosely) the upper cross section to both side pieces, then insert glass from the bottom. Once fully seated I would then assemble the lower cross section to the 2 sides, and tighten it all up.

Can you guys share any wisdom on the above?





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