[Healeys] Inlet Manifold Fuel Drain Pipes

simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com simon.lachlan at alexarevel.plus.com
Wed Jul 26 09:24:26 MDT 2023

Are you convinced that it’s petrol? 100%?

By the time water runs off a Healey engine and hits the floor, it’s pretty oily…..

Can you see the core plugs along there? 



From: Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Harold Manifold
Sent: 24 July 2023 18:50
To: Healey List <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Inlet Manifold Fuel Drain Pipes


Though I have owned an Austin-Healey for 7+ years it has only been on the road this year and I am still learning what is normal operation. When I park the car after a reasonably long drive a few drops of unidentified hydrocarbon liquid end up on the garage floor under the inlet manifold fuel drain pipes. Is this normal operation?


It stands to reason there wouldn't be drain pipes unless there was a need to drain something!





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