[Healeys] 100 front brakes

Michael Salter michaelsalter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 12:48:01 MST 2023

The "OUTEE" type of connection that you show in your picture is not for a
brake hose. It was originally used for a solid line with a "double" flare.
A TSB was released in later years which indicated that either a double
flare or a "bubble" flare could be used with that type of connection.
Those wheel cylinders had a solid pipe in one "hole" and either a bleed
screw or a flex hose in the other. The flex hose was sealed with a copper
washer at the top of the thread and the bleed screw originally had a flat
end with small steel ball.

On Sun., Feb. 26, 2023, 8:27 a.m. Hank Leach via Healeys, <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> Do you mean "wheel" cylinders and not "slave"...100s have a mechanical
> clutch. I understand that on all model Healeys the brake hoses have one
> threaded end and one flared end. That flare goes into the metal line nut.
> On the early 100 wheel cylinders they used an American AF thread but
> switched over to the Girling unified thread on later releases. The bleeder
> connection can be either in or out in shape (photo) but if the bleed screw
> is flat it uses the check ball (supplied in rebuild kits) and fits the
> recessed shape. The pointed bleeder uses no check ball.  Be sure that you
> were supplied the correct threaded hose...most suppliers do not have the
> early style. Use Girling red grease on the threads. Hank
> -----------------------------------------
> From: "warthodson--- via Healeys"
> To: "healeys at autox.team.net"
> Cc:
> Sent: Friday February 24 2023 5:15:16PM
> Subject: [Healeys] 100 front brakes
> I will be assisting a friend to replace the flexible hoses on his 100
> front brakes. He has ordered and received a set of hoses, but the ends that
> thread into the slave Cyl do not match the shape of the mating surface in
> the slave. The ends of the hoses are flat & it is my understanding that the
> cyl. is cone shaped inside. The vender says this is not a problem. I think
> it is a problem.
> What do you say?
> Also, if it is an issue, where can we get a set of flex hoses that have
> the correct ends for this application & are also the correct length (I.E.
> Not too short)?
> Gary Hodson
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