[Healeys] Westminster block

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Sun Feb 19 18:09:19 MST 2023

A westy block is identical to a later motor, the only difference is the
head.  If you want to convert, you need to get a new head.  Honestly, for
most levels or road tune, there isn't a huge amount of difference and one
nice thing about the westy head is it is less thirsty with the fuel, and if
I recall there isn't much penalty on torque, most of the penalty is over
3,000 rpm, which for a road car really doesn't matter much.

On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 3:21 AM Simon Lachlan via Healeys <
healeys at autox.team.net> wrote:

> For ages I’ve been thinking of buying a 3000 engine and doing it up to a
> fairly high spec. Nothing too clever, definitely a road car version. But I
> always hang back when I see the prices of whole engines.
> And, it strikes me, that one will probably have to ditch most of the
> moving parts so why buy them in the first place?
> Maybe buy a block and add the rest as and when. Some from eBay, some from
> the usual suspects……
> Tell me please:- am I right in my assumption that a Westminster block is
> as near as makes no difference to a 3000 block? And that the main
> differences in the engines would be in the moving parts and the head?
> ie isn’t a Westie block as good a place to start as any?
> I ask this as there is a very presentable looking block up for sale near
> me.
> Thanks,
> Simon
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