[Healeys] Mecum Auction - Monterey - yesterday

HealeyRick healeyrik at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 09:19:49 MDT 2023

Mecum has become a big player in the Healey market at Pebble. They offered
10 Healeys. Here are the results:
 Hopefully you can see this without opening an account, but if not it's
easy enough to do. As some of you may know, I write the "Auction Report"
for the *Healey Marque *and Monterey will give plenty of grist for the mill.

I haven't analyzed all the Monterey results yet. It's becoming increasingly
hard for me to figure out the Healey market, but I think most would agree
it's trending downward. Gooding's offered a 100M that sold for $196k at
Amelia this spring and only brought $125k at Pebble.  Huge hit.  I'm really
beginning to think the interest in the cars, like the decline in
participation in Healey club events, is more the result of the base aging
out rather than any other external factors.

Happy Healeying,

Rick Neville, aka "HealeyRick" aka "Auction Reporter". aka "Madman in a
Death Machine, Nasty Boy owner"

On Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 10:12 AM Ricchardd Mayor <boyracer466 at gmail.com>

> Mecum
> Richard Mayor
> boyracer466 at gmail.com
> On Aug 21, 2023, at 4:27 AM, HealeyRick <healeyrik at gmail.com> wrote:
> Which auction house were they offered, I can probably find out. I know
> there were three 100Ms auctioned over the weekend, none did very well.
> Rick Neville, aka "HealeyRick"
> On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 4:27 PM Ricchardd Mayor <boyracer466 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The two 100/4s that were to be auctioned yesterday did not get air time.
>> Each time they broke away for a commercial.  So irritating!    Does anyone
>> know what they went for.  Neither car had a reserve.
>> Richard Mayor
>> boyracer466 at gmail.com
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