[Healeys] Goodwoid Revival

Guy guido36 at att.net
Sat Aug 12 09:17:51 MDT 2023

I too will be at the Goodwood Revival.  I grew up at the track as a lad and experienced first hand what they are reviving, working as a gopher pumping up tyres, cleaning windscreens and eventually promoted to lap timing duties for the top competitors for the Tourist Trophy.  Great memories and a home oming for me.

I will be wearing red Heakey 100 logo coveralls and a Healey newsboy cap so if you see me give me a shout.

Healey specialist Bill Rawles usually has a stand and although not plentiful there are some famous Healeys there.  There is usually a good selection in the classic car parking. This year it is Porsche’s 75th anniversary and Carrol Shelby’s 100 birthday which are being honoured.

Cheers, Guy

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>   2. Re: Bucket list England goodwood revival (m.g.sharp at sympatico.ca)
>   3. Re: Lahaina Maui (Ray Juncal)
>   4. Laycock overdrive (Hank Leach)
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