[Healeys] Photos of New BJ8 bumper license plate holder bracket positioned incorrectly

rfbegani at gmail.com rfbegani at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 05:59:42 MDT 2023

I recently purchase a new rear bumper for my 67 BJ8 because it costs over
$1,000 to have it re-chromed.  When installing with the license plate
assembly attached, I noticed that it was tilted downward.  Immediately I
looked at the position of the brackets in the inside of the older bumper and
noticed they were positioned close to the dent line whereas on the new
bumper they were 1/2 inch away from the dent line, hence the tilt of the
bracket.  The problem can be fixed by my friend who has the machine shop by
taking the bolt holes in the bracket and cutting a 1/2-inch slot so the
plate will roll up straight.

When I mention the problem to the supplier's sales manager, he responded
that he went into the warehouse and all in stock have the bolt brackets in
the same place as I described.  They have been making these bumpers for
years and no one has ever mentioned the brackets are 1/2 inch off from the
original bumpers.  So, we both wonder, have any of you had the same
experience? Note the pictures above starting with the old bumper.

Bob Begani
67 BJ8

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