[Healeys] Bendix Pumps

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Mon Apr 24 17:20:42 MDT 2023

Thanks, Bob.

I've come across this one which looks promising; though I haven't tried 
one. You might have to tweak the inlet/outlet lines:



On 4/24/2023 3:40 PM, rfbegani at gmail.com wrote:
> Bob:
> https://tinyurl.com/yc7e2375 from Pegasus
> Bendix fuel pumps cylinder style is what I use on my boat, however, 
> some on this list use a cube style as a backup pump.
> Also, I currently have a Carter Pump on my Healey because it was 
> available 10 years ago.  When it dies, I will install the Bendix 
> cylinder pump shown above.  Watch what you’re buying as there are 
> Chinese copies
> Regards,
> Bob Begani
> *From:* Healeys <healeys-bounces at autox.team.net> *On Behalf Of *Bob 
> Spidell
> *Sent:* Monday, April 24, 2023 9:42 AM
> *To:* healeys at autox.team.net
> *Subject:* Re: [Healeys] Bendix Pumps
> Bob,
> Got a link to the Bendix pump you referred to?
> TIA,
> Bob
> On 4/24/2023 2:46 AM, rfbegani at gmail.com wrote:
>     Gentlemen:
>     For your information for 40 years, I traveled the world selling
>     automotive and industrial products.  I was the regional director
>     for the Automotive Exporters Club and attended meetings in New
>     York on a regular basis. Many of the members were VP Sales
>     International of major automotive corporations.  The Bendix
>     international sales manager had been trying to convince the Healey
>     group to switch over to their pump for many years.  Finally, they
>     agreed, and orders were being prepared for the change over when
>     the production of the Healey was cancelled.
>     The pump we are speaking about was developed by William Bendix in
>     the 20’s for use on airplanes because it was designed to allow
>     fuel to continue to flow when planes were upside down.  Over the
>     years it has been improved using solid state electrics and
>     continues to perform to provide fuel to engines operating on land,
>     in the air, and on sea.  My sailboat has a Kubota diesel engine
>     with a Bendix fuel pump.  I was having problems with starting the
>     engine due to lack of fuel going to the engine, so I changed the
>     filters and forgot there is a screen filter in the bottom of the
>     Bendix Pump. Then I remembered, opened the pump, and noticed the
>     filter had been doing its job as it was packed with yellow cake
>     particles. After cleaning the filter in the Bendix pump and
>     purging the fuel tank of the crud the hard starting problem was
>     solved.  They just keep on ticking!
>     Next time the fuel pump in my Healey gives me problems, I will
>     change it to a Bendix.
>     Bob Begani
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